Thursday, December 18, 2008

Mall fun...

I went for ONLY this... one pair of jeans!
But ended up with all of these...

So I went to the Mall today to by myself a pair of well deserved smaller sized jeans... 2 sizes smaller! But I ended up with a whole lot more than I planned for. During this economy crunch stores are offering really good deals on things and I am not a person to pass that stuff by (sorry honey, but I'm just not)
I dropped Cooper off at school this morning and to kill time before my Weight Watchers weigh-in I went into Target and looked around, but of course I ended up with a few things! Then I headed over and did my weigh-in and actually gained 1lb which I am totally fine with because of the parties and a huge dinner with my work friends last night.
Then off to Chandler Fashion square where the madness began... I have a niece I love to shop for so her and Cooper got some cute things from Gymboree and The Children's Place. I of course found some fun jewelry at New York & Co. who was having a EVERYTHING 50% off sale... then over to Aeropostle where I bought some things for Chris and I. I needed a special ornament for Chris and Cooper for 2008 so the Hallmark store was good to me too...
Next time I'm sure I need to bring Chris with me to help regulate my spending tangin... Oh well I had fun and got some really good deals!

1 comment:

Bryan and Lyndsey said...

I think you need to go to shoppers AA Meetings. But of course I will be there with you. Have a great Christmas.