Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A little trip up north...

The snowflakes on my truck early Sunday morning when we were leaving!
Oh and there was some super hero's there also...

Many cars were buried in snow in Sunrise... I'm glad I live in the Valley of the SUN!!!

The Skinner clan

Seriously it took forever to get them all to take this picture!

My little snow bunny

I love this picture she looks so cute!

Sage posing for me

If there is snow there must be a snowman... (someone else made it and left it for our kids to enjoy)

Group shot

Ahhh so pretty...

The accident we saw on the way to sunrise! Hey I work in a hospital I'm always curious...

Going on a road trip...

I'm pretty sure Cooper has a crush?

Dog House fun

Two snow geared boys in a basket...

Rhett in a box...

A happy face!

Oh the trouble these two can cause???

and the messes they can make...

Last weekend Cooper and I took a trip up to Snowflake to see my good ole friend Cedar and her family. Cooper gets very excited because he knows she has "kids" to play with so he looks forward to it. We went up also to play in the snow, since Cedars house had no snow we drove up to Sunrise and found some. The kids had a short but sweet time in the snow! Only a few bad attitudes were thrown but nothing the two moms could not handle...

As usual many laughs and old memories were brought up and some new ones were made, oh and she's on Facebook now!!! That was a mission of mine to get her to do that really only took about one hour after I got there.. easy! Thanks Skinners we always have fun even when the Snowflake patrol gets me!!! Twice!!!

1 comment:

Cedar said...

I forgot about some of those cute pics, I can't believe you put that one of me on there!! SICK. Good thing it wasn't my sexy one.:) We had a good time, thanks for coming! I hope you get that lead out of your foot before the next trip!!