Wednesday, August 5, 2009


In early February Chris and I decided that for Cooper's 5Th B-Day rather than having a big party like we usually do, that we would take him to Disneyland because we think he is finally old enough to enjoy it! So we did a great job keeping this a secret for tall these months leading up to his SURPRISE party. ( I know we said we weren't gonna do the big party thing) So when I brought him home from school on July 30Th he had a very big welcoming on the other side of the door!

Everyone was wearing their Mickey Mouse ears as they were directed and yelled surprise as we came in, I think it scared him a bit and he was very shocked! After he opened all of the presents Chris and I told him where we were going the next day, he did not over react the way I wanted him too... I have had this so built up for so long that I was screaming excited inside and I just didn't get that from him so I was a little bummed! But overall he knew where he was going and was "happy" to go!

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